Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Shutterfly Share Website

Dear friends and family:

I know that some people are bummed that I don't have facebook where I put up a bunch of pictures. And since it takes me so long to try and arrange pictures on this blog, I have been setting up a Shutterfly share site! The site is Watch Her Go. I have started putting up pictures starting from her birth, so it might take a bit longer to get to more recent pictures. But now you can see the huge changes in Danika's face by looking at her pictures from way back when. Oy, it seems like just yesterday...*sigh*

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Dairy Farm

The staredown...Papa and Danika v. Juan, Miguel, "Name I can't remember", Danika and Carlos

Jack and Emma giving love to Danika.

Danika really wanted to kiss Emma.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter in Wisconsin

Yes that is snow in that picture. Hard to believe that there was snow when we are having 80 degree weather here! I probably should specify that it did not snow while we were there. That was left over snow that is in the shade so it hasn't melted it. It was mostly slush, not nearly as fun.

We had a great time visiting great-grandparents (my grandparents) in Coleman, Wisconsin over Easter vacation. We started out bright and early at 4am and made a round-about trip to Boise, Idaho to Chicago, Illinois and lastly to Greenbay, Wisconsin. Danika started out great. She is such a morning person, she could have cared less that we woke her up at 3:45 to drive to the airport. However, tiredness caught up to her during our second flight to Chicago. Soon after that plane took off out of Boise, Danika had it. She got so mad at mom and I crying very hard and trying to get away from us. Once the seat belt sign was turned off, mom and Danika made their way up the aisle to Auntie, Dani crying all the way. It didn't take her that long to fall asleep with her, and I was very happy to go to sleep for the whole flight.

We had fun with great grandma and grandpa. Danika entertained them endlessly chattering away and walking all around the place. I was a little surprised with how well she did at their house without ALL her toys and her favorite Baby Einstein DVD. Not to mention all the breakable items that we in such tempting reach, but she never really ceases to amaze me.  The first night sleeping there was a little rough, since she wasn't used to the three hour time change. She went to bed at a nice time, but ended up waking up and wanting to play a few hours later. Jamie and I ended up staying up with her reading books. 

One of my favorite things about going to Wisconsin is going to the dairy farm.  My mom's cousin runs the farm and last summer when we went she introduced Danika and the family to a new calf that they named Danika in her honor. And she assured us that this cow would not get to our plate someday, haha! You can see this Danika on the left, isn't she cute? I have so many pictures of our visit to the farm, I think I'll make a separate post for more pictures.

Although I love the dairy farm, the best thing that happened was watching Danika with my grandparents. I am so glad that she has gotten to see them twice now, and she has bonded with them. With my grandpa having had just been in the hospital a month or so ago, it was a great encouragement to get to see him and for Danika to have brought him (and grandma) so much joy. He really got a big treat when Danika slept on his lap while the rest of us girls were out.  



While Danika was sleeping on great grandpa, great grandma, grandma, auntie Jamie and I went to play Bingo at a rest home. We had to pay 5 cents per game and if you won, you got the pot. It was actually very fun! And it was good time to spend with my grandma. Plus we brought back a more than $5. :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

One of Danika's Favorite Pastimes

Yes, she loves to look at pictures of herself. Heehee. 


So for this summer, my parents bought Danika a new sandbox set! It looks like a butterfly and has one wing for sand, the other wing for water and an umbrella attached for shade. It is really cook and Danika loves it! We decided that Danika needed something like this because of how she was digging in the flower pots. 

The first time she used it, she ended up putting sand on her head and I ended up having to scrub it out. Good thing she loves bath time! So from then on, I have tried to make sure that she has her hat on. That helped a lot! Anyways, it is so much fun, and she loves it! 


Yea for summer!!! Sun and sand!