Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Today was a nonstop day at work. I feel "dizzy" and exhausted.

Too many calls and interruptions when there is deadline and today didn't start that great anyways. Not to mention I forgot my glasses at home. Yay me! Haha!

Truly it wasn't that horrible, I've had worse, but such a tight deadline takes so much out of you. At least tonight is Dani's swimming lessons so that will be relaxing and fun. :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thirty-Day Blog Challange: "Day" 6: A Blog

Recently I have found that I am loving more and more fashion. I have the fashion bug. I want to buy new clothes quite frequently and I have to say this blog is partly to blame: College Fashion.

This blog shows great ways to make outfits, sometimes with one main piece (i.e. a summer dress) or just different looks and styles. What hooked me to this blog was a series they did on the Disney Princesses. I was googling "Tangled" for Dani, looking for the soundtrack online and found this blog post.

Fabulous right? I love it! I could spend hours on this blog going through their archives and finding new ideas! Gotta find good pieces from Salvation Army or Ross or somewhere cheaper than the actual items they list!

Monday, August 29, 2011

30 Day Blog Challege: Day 5: A Person I Miss

This didn't take me long to figure out. Right away a name popped into my head: Jaimie.

Jaimie is one of my best friends. We met at college and became fast and close friends. We had a tradition of a certain day of the week we would study, watch Alias and have goldfish and Dr. Pepper (and sometimes jerky). *sigh* Wonderful times. We both love movies, though her collection far surpasses mine. Probably by 500 or some crazy number like that. I remember once she sent me a list of all her movies. It was at least 3 pages long single spaced! I want to buy her movies all the time, but who knows if she already has them!

After I went home from college we talked almost everyday on the phone. And we kept that up for a very long time. Things slowed down a lot after Dani was born. Eventually it slowed down to nothing sadly (phone-wise). We email back and forth occasionally, but it isn't the same, and we both know it.

I keep hoping that I can save up money and see her during the summer, since she lives down south. So far it hasn't worked out. I saw her for an afternoon when my family was driving back home from Disneyland, but it wasn't enough. I think the main problem is that I am not taking enough time to keep in contact. I get too distracted by other things. I keep on trying though and I don't think I will ever give up staying in touch with her. She just means too much to me.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Thirty-Day Blog Challange: "Day" 4: A Goal

OK. This is going to sound so silly, but it is a goal.

I will bring lunch from home for a straight week.

Sounds kind of anticlimactic right? Yeah, I know. But I tried to think of a goal that isn't too huge, but one that I can get off my checklist as it were.

Working Downtown is fabulous. Love the area, but it also comes with a gazillion restaurants. Let me name a few for you: Flavor Bistro, Mary's Pizza Shack, 4th Street Market, Thai House, Tex Wasabi, Mac's Deli, Mom & Pop's Shop (Formerly Mr. Pickles), Sift (though that is dessert), Starbucks (they have more food now), and La Vera's.

Plus there are other taqueria's, chinese food, indian food, pubs, and the Plaza is a block over so there is the food court there too. It is crazy hard not to eat out at lunch! Even if I bring lunch from home I have a hard time not thinking about what other food I could get. Especially since I know Flavor's sandwich days and Mondays, Wednesday, and Thursdays have my favorite sandwiches. *sigh*

The problem is that these all add up. I am doing alright with it financially, but then I think about the type of money I could save if I didn't buy lunch so often. Grumble.

So what I really need to do is plan my meals, make stuff ahead of time and just stick with it. I might even lose some weight if I brought my own meals from home!

So there you have it. My all exciting goal. Hopefully it will get easier after I complete a week and then I can go for weeks....and maybe treat myself once a month or something....maybe. :)


I am stuck in a rut. I am tired all the time. I want to be at home. I want to sleep or just play with Dani. I'm really glad it is Friday, but I don't think my weekend is going to be slow enough for me. *sigh* Can I just take Dani and go off for a week? I would love to take her to the beach or on some sort of mini-hike. I would also like to do some crafy/artsy projects.

Time is not my friend, and it is taking a toll on my shoulders.

Photo from