Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"You and Me Makes We"

Dani and I at the Lavender Festival in Kenwood 2011

30 "Day" Challenge: Day 3: On My Mind

Something on my mind. Sometimes this is hard to pin-point because my mind runs around all over the place, it even makes me have a hard time going to sleep at night because it is so active. I picture my mind having all these files and it is as if my brain thinks I have to look at each file before letting me relax.

Anyways. Today, and lately, I have been thinking about getting debt-free. My sister and I took the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace class together a little over a year ago at my church. I highly recommend the class to everyone! Great class, great habits to form. During the class I remember being so discouraged because I had only a 10-hour a week job and didn't know how I could possibly pay off my loans, be able to send Danika to private school, etc., etc. Regardless I started working on my budget and staring my emergency fund.

Later I got my current full-time job. This enabled me to fully fund my emergency fund and start the "Debt Snowball" process of paying off my loans. I have worked hard to keep up with it and through God's provision have paid off all but one loan in a year. This is my biggest loan of $9,000 from school but because of my living situation I am able to pay rather large chunks at a time.

Here is the biggest thing on my mind: I like to calculate how long it would take me to afford/pay off something to decide how much I should allocate my budget. With the way things are right now, and if no emergencies come up (which I know can), I can pay off my last and final loan in...drum roll please......

Fifteen months. If I paid the regular base payment it would take me 9 1/2 years! I am so excited and passionate even about paying this off. That way I can save for a house or whatever else we need. It feels like such a huge step to me and it has taken a lot of work. God has blessed me very much. I'm praying that I can keep on this path and then when I am debt free to not go on a big shopping spree (a big temptation, lol!)