Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dani Lately

Isn't that exciting?! Ya, it is a bit...garbled, but common! I'm excited. Danika is talking so much more now. What a "chatty Kathy"! She also started saying "hot dog" from watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse every morning, which is super cute. I'll try to get a video of that one to put up too. 

Dani has had a hard week so far. She is sick with an ear infection, a cold and cough and getting at least four molars in. Poor thing. But we got medication for the infection and Tylenol for the teeth. And really she hasn't been that bad since yesterday. Yesterday morning, before we went to the doctors, she was awful. She wouldn't let me put her down, and she screamed the worst even when the doctor was trying to listen to her breathing. I felt terrible for her. Funny thing though, once we got home she was all smiles and happiness! My mom came home and was like "sure Julie, she sounds terrible to me too". But I tell you she was! She just decided she was done being a twerp when Grandma was going to be home I guess. :)

Well, she is in the pantry right now, so I should probably stop her from getting into the cake flour that is sitting on the flour. That would be fun! 

1 comment:

mary grace said...

yay for talking babies :) ::pup-pee:: :)