A hobby.
As I mentioned in my Day One entry, I love art. Painting is one of my outlets and most definitely one of my hobbies. I have been drawing and painting for as long as I can remember. When I was in elementary school I remember I made an "art class" with a few of my friends and "taught" them how to draw some of my pictures. One was a cartoon horse if I remember correctly. :)
In Junior High/High School I was tutored by RVC's art teacher, Laurie Reynolds. She taught my friend Shannon and I. I have two favorite art pieces that I did from those sessions. One was a transitional art piece where a paint brush turned into a California Poppie. I'll have to take a picture of it and include it in this post. I love how whimsical it is. My second favorite piece was a self portrait that I did. What was really fun about it is that I covered the entire page with charcoal and then removed it with an eraser to create the image. Very messy, very fun.

Lately my paintings have been landscape and floral. I'll have to take pictures of some and include them as well. My most recent painting I did a month ago or so. It is an old tree with the four seasons on it in sections. My mom asked if the painting was for her and I told her that I wasn't sure if I would be giving it to anybody because I like it so much, haha!
I hope to continue painting and to be able to give them to friends and family. I just have to allow myself to make mistakes in them and incorporate the mistakes to make something beautiful. It is my way of recognizing how God works, we make mistakes and mess up, but God uses it to make something beautiful.